NANO SOMA® Topical Gel is a gel form of Metadichol® to be applied readily on the skin. Many people have reported amazing benefits from using the NANO SOMA Topical Gel, which can be found here. Here are some examples:
The below image shows the change in the appearance of a bump after seven weeks with the NANO SOMA Topical Gel.

“I got rid of a mole in a few days using the NANO SOMA Topical Gel.”
Randy Now
“On Friday I had my second knee replaced. Sunday, today, the heat and discomfort were unbearable. Knowing this, I preordered the NANO SOMA Topical Gel. Tonight, I applied it all over the leg. Like a Reiki Master removing the trauma, the NANO SOMA Topical Gel did it in one minute. Wow. That’s it.”
Charlie Zev
“This NANO SOMA Topical Gel is a miracle supplement. I used it on both of my knees four times a day for four days. The itching which I had for the last 15 years is completely gone. It is an amazing product.”
Seyed and Ummu Mohamed, India
NANO SOMA Topical Gel is a nanoemulsion of long-chain alcohols found in many foods. It is commonly called policosanol and is present in unrefined foods such as rice, sugar cane and wheat. This nano emulsion of policosanol in gel form is patented by Dr. Raghavan (US 9006292).
Apply to the skin as needed.
Revitalizes skin.*
Supports normal healing.*
Promotes healthy skin.*
Safe to use around the eyes and other sensitive areas.*
Promotes relief of discomfort.*
Contents: 1 fl. oz. (30 ml)
Ingredients: Policosanol nanoemulsion, Vitamin E, Water, Sucrose Fatty Acid Ester, Citric Acid, Edible Xanthan Gum
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